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Looking for some uplifting events with special location? Schloss Fall offers many different concerts and theater performances.

All guests have a unique opportunity to visit the castle halls and the castle restaurant before and after the events.

Pre-booking a table to the restaurant is recommended*



Different concerts are held in Keila-Joa castle. Most concerts are with classical music but from time to time we have some other concerts as well.


Addition to the rich castle history we have many different seasonal exhibitions. To see what kind of seasonal exhibition is available now, please see on our webpage. 


Exhibition is open from 02.11.2024 to 27.04.2025
Visiting time THU -SUN at 11.00-18.00

* Please note that if there is a private event taking place, then it is not possible to visit the exhibition

"From Fortuny to Versace"

100 years of Italian Fashion

For the first time in Estonia, the exhibition will feature valuable items from Alexandre Vassiliev’s collection – masterpieces created by Italian designers over the course of a century.


In the twentieth century, Italy won the title of the most stylish country, and today Milan is recognised as a fashion capital alongside Paris, London and New York. The exhibition offers an insight into the changing trends of fashion in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Visitors will be able to follow the story of the birth of modern Italian fashion: the gradual emergence from the shadow of Paris, the return to trendsetting status and the breakthrough of an industry that combines modern business methods with rich traditions and reliance on family ties.

Italy has been the cradle of European fashion since the Renaissance, when silks from Venice, Florence, Genoa and Milan were the most coveted and expensive goods. Even at a time when Paris was the capital of fashion, Italy continued to attract and inspire: young people would embark on the so-called Grand Tour, meaning a journey around continental Europe that included a visit to Italy.

The richness of Italy’s culture, art and history has inspired many artists.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, textile and leather goods in Italy were produced in small workshops with a strong emphasis on quality and unique techniques. Famous companies such as Gucci, Prada, Trussardi and Fendi started out as leather goods manufacturers in the early decades of the twentieth century, while the great Salvatore Ferragamo (1898-1960) was already making shoes for Hollywood stars in the 1920s. Today, many of the oldest brands are still family-owned which is an atypical but characteristic Italian business practice that reflects the continuity of tradition and respect for the work and achievements of previous generations.


Upcoming Events


Art Exhibition

"The Art of Paradise"

Yuri Gorbachev is an artist living in the USA since the beginning of the nineties, whose works are represented in representative museums of several countries and in many private collections. Owners of his works include dozens of influential politicians, entrepreneurs and entertainment giants in the US, Europe and Asia. His work is also at the White House (Washington) and the United Nations, for which he designed the UN stamp "Green Parrot on Red Flower" for the "Endangered Species" series. In 1998, Rizzoli International published Yuri Gorbachev's art book, and in 2002, Bertelsmann Group published The Art of Paradise, a major book on the life and art of Yuri Gorbachev. Classically trained in Odessa, Ukraine, Yuri Gorbachev uses his own lacquer and glaze techniques in his paintings, demonstrating a unique style; black color is not part of his palette.

Yuri Gorbachev's artistic career flourishes in New York and he has had over two hundred solo exhibitions throughout the United States, Europe, South America and Asia.


Art Exhibition

"Cóte D'azur Mon Amour"

"Cóte D'Azur Mon Amour" is a unique art exhibition where we have gathered the works of three talented artists that show the French beauty of Cóte D'Azur.

Enjoy the beautiful vibrant colors and summer festivities that have been captured by the paintings.

Come and discover the works of Nina Doshe, Dmytro Dobrovolsky and Florian Volpi.

The exhibition is oper from 03.07 till 05.08.2024


Christian Dior

"The Elegancy of Dior Women"

Seven decades have passed since the launch of Christian Dior‘s first collection dubbed as „New Look“ by Carmel Snow, the former editor-in-chief of the American edition of „Harper's Bazaar. The public called this collection  "Dior’s Bomb. " Not many fashion brands, or more precisely, almost none, have managed to become a "classic fashion".


The first exhibition of the unforgettable creations of the House of Christian Dior collected by the Alexandre Vassiliev Foundation opened at Schloss Fall Castle, Estonia. 

The magic of the word  "Dior" has made this House synonymous with elegance of the highest order. Dior was a dictator of taste, a "tyrant of pins" as his contemporaries called him.

Christian Dior was born on January 21, 1905 in Granville into the family of an industrialist. Since childhood he idolized his mother, an elegant „Belle Époque“ enchantress who played a huge role in the development of the talent of the future couturier. In his youth, Dior studied political science, traveled and loved museums. His new surroundings, the Parisian bohemia of the 1920s captivated the young man, who to his parent‘s displeasure chose art over a diplomat career.



Luigi Cillo

"Spiritual Emotions On Nature"

Luigi Cillo and his work are significant in Veneto painting art not only because of the artist’s diverse choice of techniques, but also his expressiveness and poetic nature. In his works you can see terracotta, ceramics, bronze sculptures, concrete, fresco, tempera,

watercolours ‒ various techniques and materials that represent the many ways to express something universal and eternal.


Terracotta is the material to which Cillo chooses to entrust much of his creative flair and inner searching. This is clearly demonstrated by the story depicted on the work called The Way of the Cross in the Santa Maria delle Grazie church in Conegliano (Via Crucis), which meanders like a long ribbon along the wall leading to the baptismal bath. Finally, returning to painting, he provides us with a moving surprise: a large mural in the San Giuseppe church in Costa di Vittorio Veneto from 1997. The work is called The Way of Humanity (Il Cammino della Umanita) ‒ a gouache painting on plaster,where colour becomes light and transparency, an ineffable mystery of the artist's religious spirit.


Past Events

  • 26. märts 2025, 18:00
    Keila-Joa, Pargi allee 5, Keila-Joa, 76701 Harju maakond, Estonia
    Esmakordselt on Eestis eksklusiivne kleidinäitus, kus esitletakse Itaalia disainerite poolt loodud meistriteoseid läbi sajandi. Kolmapäeval, 26.märtsil kell 18.00 toimub moekollektsionääri Alexandre Vassilievi loeng, mis tutvustab uut näitust lähemalt.
  • 06. jaan 2025, 19:00 – 21:00
    Keila-Joa, Pargi allee 5, Keila-Joa, 76701 Harju maakond, Estonia
    Noored tippmuusikud Hans Christian Aavik (viiul) ja Karolina Aavik (klaver) Ajaloolise mõisalossi ballisaali pühadesära lummuses saab nautida kuldse klassika särisevat gurmeed rahvusvaheliselt väga kõrgelt tunnustatud Eesti parimate noorte tippmuusikute Aavik Duo esituses.
  • 01. nov 2024, 18:00
    Keila-Joa, Pargi allee 5, Keila-Joa, 76701 Harju maakond, Estonia
    Esmakordselt on Eestis eksklusiivne kleidinäitus, kus esitletakse Itaalia disainerite poolt loodud meistriteoseid läbi sajandi. Näituse avamisel toimub moekollektsionääri Alexandre Vassilievi loeng, mis tutvustab uut näitust lähemalt.
  • 12. mai 2024, 18:00 – 20:00
    Keila-Joa, Pargi alle 5, Keila-Joa, 76701 Harju maakond, Estonia
    12. mail kell 18.00 kutsume kõiki moesõpru Keila-Joa loss Schloss Fall'i Aleksandr Vasiljevi loengule “The Magician Christian Dior”.
  • 29. märts 2024, 19:00 – 20:30
    Keila-Joa, Pargi alle 5, Keila-Joa, 76701 Harju maakond, Estonia
    Kutsume teid loomingulisele kohtumisele moeajaloolase ja kollektsionääri Aleksandr Vasiljeviga! Keila-Joa lossis Schloss Fall toimuva näituse “Elegance by Dior” raames räägib Alexander lillede keelest moes ja nende mõjust kõrgmoele !
  • 21. märts 2024, 19:00 – 31. märts 2024, 23:00
    Keila-Joa, Keila-Joa, 76701 Harju County, Estonia
    Keila-Joa lossi saalide lõhnav kevadine lilleaed luuakse selleks näituseks ("Lillede maagia ja Dior"), florist Tatjana Tridvornova poolt. Sajad tulbid, hüatsindid, nartsissid ja roosid täidavad lossi saalide kevadise lõhnaga. Kevadine pööripäev saabub tõeliselt kunstiteosena, mille eesmärk on üllat
  • 06. jaan 2024, 19:00 – 21:00
    Keila-Joa, Pargi alle 5, Keila-Joa, 76701 Harju maakond, Estonia
    Hubane salongiõhtu, kus saab kuulda lisaks sädelevalt kaunile muusikale ka jutustusi esitatavatest muusikapaladest, nende saamisloost ja tähendusest muusikuile. Naudi endiste aegade stiili ja elegantsi, mõnusat salongikohvikut ning meie suurepäraseid muusikuid.
  • 08. dets 2023, 18:00 – 21:00
    Keila-Joa, Pargi alle 5, Keila-Joa, 76701 Harju maakond, Estonia
    Seoses erakordselt suure huviga Christian Diori näituse avamise vastu, otsustasime korraldada eksklusiivse šampanjaõhtusöögi koos "Diori moemaja elegants" näituse kuraatori Evelina Vedomi poolt läbiviidud ekskursiooniga.
  • 24. nov 2023, 18:00 – 21:00
    Keila-Joa, Pargi alle 5, Keila-Joa, 76701 Harju maakond, Estonia
    Seoses erakordselt suure huviga Christian Diori näituse avamise vastu, otsustasime korraldada eksklusiivse šampanjaõhtusöögi koos "Diori moemaja elegants" näituse kuraatori Evelina Vedomi poolt läbiviidud ekskursiooniga.
  • 17. nov 2023, 18:00 – 21:00
    Keila-Joa loss Schloss Fall, Keila-Joa, 76701 Harju County, Estonia
    AVAMISE PILETID ON VÄLJA MÜÜDUD! Esmakordselt Eestis! Aleksandr Vassiljevi fond esitleb Christian Diori moemaja loomingut tutvustavat näitust Keila-Joa loss Schloss Fall'is.
  • 10. nov 2023, 19:00 – 11. nov 2023, 22:30
    Keila-Joa, Pargi alle 5, Keila-Joa, 76701 Harju maakond, Estonia
    Degusteerime ja naudime 5 vaimustavat Berlucchi Franciacortat, mille maitseelamust võimendavad unikaalsed odöörid Ambra parfüümi- ja kunstistuudio valikust. Maitsete ja lõhnade kombinatsioonid said kokku pandud nelja sommeljee ning ühe lõhnaeksperdi poolt. Suupisteid pakub Schloss Fall restoran.
  • 30. sept 2023, 17:00 – 19:00
    Keila-Joa, Keila-Joa, 76701 Harju County, Estonia
    Veeda muusikaline õhtu romantilises Keila-Joa lossis imekaunite ooperi- ja operetimeloodiate saatel. Esineb Maria Veretenina.
  • 22. sept 2023, 07:00 – 9:00
    Keila-Joa, Keila-Joa, 76701 Harju County, Estonia
    Philipponnat šampanja õhtusöök 🥂 Restoran Schloss Fall kutsub Teid osa saama meeldejäävast šampanja õhtusöögist 22.septembril algusega kell 19.00 Keila-Joa lossis. Unikaalseid šampanjasid esitleb veiniekspert Marko Hark - WSET level 3 certified
  • 13. aug 2023, 17:00 – 17:05
    Keila-Joa, Keila-Joa, 76701 Harju County, Estonia
    Veeda muusikaline suveõhtu romantilises Keila-Joa lossis imekaunite ooperi- ja operetimeloodiate saatel. Esinevad: sopran Ille Saar, klaveril saadab pianist Pille Saar.
  • 05. juuli 2023, 19:00 – 20:30
    Keila-Joa, Keila-Joa, 76701 Harju County, Estonia
    Aleksei Ljubimov (klaver, Austria), Helen Lokuta (metsosopran), Prezioso, Peeter Volkonski Kavas Volkonsky, Haydn, Schubert, Sõlvestrov, Pärt Kontserdiga avaldab Klaaspärlimäng austust teisitimõtlejatele, vastuvoolu ujujatele.
  • 02. apr 2023, 17:00
    Keila-Joa Schloss Fall, Pargi alle 5, Keila-Joa, 76701 Harju maakond, Estonia
    Kontserdi kavas on muusikat õigeusu kloostritest ja kauneid palvelaule. Ansambel esitab vanavene, kreeka, aga ka väga haruldast 4. sajandi Süüria muusikat aramea keeles (Jeesuse Kristuse keeles).
  • 19. märts 2023, 19:00
    Keila-Joa Schloss Fall, Pargi alle 5, Keila-Joa, 76701 Harju maakond, Estonia
    Veeda muusikaline sügisõhtu romantilises Keila-Joa lossis imekaunite ooperi- ja operetimeloodiate saatel. Esinevad: sopran Ille Saar, klaveril saadab pianist Pille Saar.
  • 18. veebr 2023, 19:00
    Keila-Joa Schloss Fall, Pargi alle 5, Keila-Joa, 76701 Harju maakond, Estonia
    Kas ja milleks on vajalik vooruslik elu? Theatrumi "Misantroop" pakub võimaluse nende küsimuste üle elavalt mõelda, tuues publiku ette klassikalise autori poolt sajandeid tagasi kirja pandud näidendi tegelaste käitumise ja hoiakute kaasaegse interpretatsiooni.

Castle Schloss Fall:
MON-WED open for booked groups
THU-SUN at 11.00-18.00

Castle Ticket prices:

Adult 15€

Pensioner, student  12€

Family ( 2 adults + 2 students ) 30€

Child under 7 years is free

Restaurant Schloss Fall:
MON-THU open for booked groups*
FRI at 17.00 - 22.00
SAT at 12.00-22.00
SUN at 12.00-17.00

Restaurant is opened by reservation only for  4-course and 5-course menu*

Keila-Joa loss. logo.png

Tel: +37256288287

Pargi allee 5, Keila-Joa alevik, Lääne-Harju vald,

Harju maakond 76701, Eesti Vabariik

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National Heritage Foundation OÜ
Registrikood 11962765
KMKR: EE101381204
Ahtri 6a-5a, 10151 Tallinn

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